Welcome toHealthy Massage Room

Healthy Massage Room was created to provide a healing safe space for massage, beauty, sports rehab and all round healing In Bromsgrove and the Midlands. We have both a male and female therapist who have extensive experience in various massage techniques for pain, stiffness or just relaxation. Our female therapist also offers facial massage. We have a small relaxing space to meet your health needs.

Our therapists


Tintin is from Indonesia. In Indonesia, massage is used culturally as the first port of call for most sickness and pain. Most families have someone who is able to administer various massage techniques for friends or family who have aches or pains or illness. They use techniques such as Indonesian full body massage with aromatic oils and additional techniques such as cupping and scraping. The idea behind these techniques is to stop any illness going deeper into the body or to address areas of pain. Tintin is qualified in Swedish full body massage, Indonesian aromatic oil massage, Hot stone massage and Facial massage.

Joseph Cockburn

Joe Cockburn qualified as a Physiotherapist from Keele in 2004. He has worked for the NHS and privately including a short stint with the RAF. He specialises in Musculo-skeletal problems. He has travelled extensively around Asia and has learnt Acupuncture, Acupressure, No Hands Massage, Myofascial release, Swedish full body massage and Sports massage. He has always considered himself a more Holistic therapist recognising the limitations of some conventional therapies and Western Medicine.


Swedish Massage. Both our therapists do Swedish Massage. Developed by the Swedish Fencing Master Per Henrik Ling who studied in China. The Ling system is a more vigorous massage than some other traditional massages. This full body massage is excellent for Lymphatic drainage, promoting blood circulation, invigorating the skin and for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Sports Massage

Joe Cockburn uses Sports massage for Sports injury and recovery from exercise. He often has regular clients who are training for cycling or running challenges who need regular maintenance. He also adds in other techniques such as Acupressure and trigger point release depending upon the pathology and what he picks up from the objective assessment.

Indonesian Full Body Massage

Tintin our female therapist uses an aromatic oil blend from Indonesia to address pain and to help the body deeply relax and rejuvenate. The technique uses gentle thumb circulations and other massage techniques to promote tissue healing and lymphatic drainage.

Hot Stone Massage

Tintin our female therapist does Hot Stone Massage. Hot stone massage is a gentle heat administered massage using various sizes of hot stones. It is great for stress, low energy levels, low back pain and circulation issues.


Joe uses Acupressure alongside a traditional massage that follows the Chinese meridians. This massage will help unblock Chi pathways and address issues of pain and blocked energy.

Facial massage

Tintin does a traditional Indonesian face massage known as Totok Waja which will invigorate your skin and is deeply relaxing.

No Hands massage

Joe uses no hands massage to address deeper issues in the Back and shoulders and the legs. He often uses these techniques alongside a sports massage to improve tissue pliability. He will sometimes add PNF stretching and myofascial release techniques with his sports massage regime.

So whether you want a relaxing rejuvenating full body massage in Bromsgrove or Worcestershire or have other issues please do get in touch.


1 Hour Therapies.

Sports Massage, Swedish full body massage. Acupressure, Indonesian Massage. Fascial massage are all available for 1 hour at £35.

Sports massage can be booked for 30 minutes at £25.

A Hot Stone Massage is £40 for an Hour.

A No Hands massage is £35 for an hour.

Please contact us at the Healthy Massage Room if you want to book, have any questions or further requirements.

Healthy Massage Room

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